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Here’s what REAL Queens are doing on Nov. 15th 2020

You know what they say, Queens, right? Third times a charm! And no, we're not just talking about winging your eyeliner or taking a fire Instagram pic... No, no, no, Queen, we've got something SO much bigger and better than that in-store!

And just because we're so nice, we'll even give you a little hint. It's got music, it's got networking, it's got motivation, and it's got dance breaks.

Figure it out yet?

That's right, Queens, we're talking about our third annual SUPERCHARGED® Summit 2020.

Trust us when we say, NO ONE is more excited than we are about this. Our 2018 and 2019 SUPERCHARGED Summits were amazing, but this one is going to be UNFORGETTABLE.


Well, Queen, have you heard of a little something called COVID-19? We thought so. Yes, it's been a drag (and not the Queen type). Yes, it's been hard to keep wearing our crowns high and looking fabulous through it all. But, you know what, #real Queens don't just focus on the negative, they can see the positives in situations too.

And when you think about it, a virtual SUPERCHARGED Summit is NOTHING short of FAB-U-LOUS for SO many reasons!

  1. You get to wear WHATEVER you want and join from the comfort of your castle.
  2. When the music starts bumping, you can bust out WHATEVER dance moves you want. #NoJudgement
  3. And finally, and probably most importantly, we can reach and boost up more people than ever before because we have a GOLDEN opportunity to actually be MORE connected than any other SUPERCHARGED Summit before! 2020...? Sounds crazy, right? But actually, that's what the theme of this Summit is all about. In a time where we've forgotten to connect with others, ourselves, and our purpose, Queen Kwanza is here to remind us that our dreams still matter, our goals still matter, and we can still achieve them...together.

So trust us when we say that this is an event that simply CAN'T be missed. Before you go, let us give you all the Royal RSVP deets you need to join our biggest, most connected SUPERCHARGED Summit yet!

P.S. Since all of this isn't happening until Sunday, November 15, you've got PLENTY of time to reschedule any Netflix sessions or crown polishing sessions you might have had on your calendar for that afternoon.

See You There, Queen!

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and pick out your Summit outfit, and make a BIG QUEEN MOVE by registering at to reserve your spot now—cuz Queens rise up better together.

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Queen Moves Only

Queen Moves Only was created by Kwanza Jones to empower all queens to live boldly, fiercely, and unapologetically. A true queen not only lifts herself up, but she lifts other queens along the way. Queen Moves Only is not just a's a lifestyle!